A long relay race, even at theater

From podcast to stage

Thanks to the collaboration with the MaMiMò Theater Company, the theater show inspired by the podcast A long relay race will be staged in September.

In 1991 Reggio Emilia was indicated by Newsweek, one of the most important American magazines, as the most innovative city in the world regarding preschools. The territory of Reggio Emilia becomes the educational model to look to.
But how was it possible for a small Italian province to obtain such a prestigious recognition, which then led to this educational approach being studied all over the world? As often happens, little is enough: a stone thrown into a pond, and the courage to see it hit the bottom. That stone is the voices of many women from Reggio Emilia who were able to imagine a different world by getting their hands dirty to build schools throughout the province.

To act you need to see the possibilities, but how do you train yourself to do so? Are we still able to imagine? To talk about rights, freedom, female emancipation and education, we decided to play at being children. In a storytelling show, the story with a capital "S" fits into a typical day in a preschool. Two boys and a girl, with a trunk full of recycled materials, will build and transform the space and their identity.

Preview of the calendar:

Sunday 8 September > Novellara, Municipal Theatre Franco Tagliavini

Wednesday 11 of September > Guastalla, Piazza Mazzini, outdoor performance

Friday 20 of September > Brescello, Municipal Preschool garden, outdoor performance

Saturday 21 of September > Reggio Emilia, Ex mangimificio Caffarri, Via Gioia