“The most beautiful of our days – a history of education”

is a project that intends to explore and make known the history of educational services 0-6 in the Reggio Emilia area, promoting common values, female participation, great sensitivity towards the community's childhood culture and care for the educational environment that this area has expressed since ancient times and which, particularly from the post-war period onwards, has created the conditions for excellent services recognized throughout the world.

The European Commission assessed this experience as fully representative of European values and good practices, and considered knowing its origins and history an important contribution to building greater awareness around European citizenship.



Fascist education

From Resistance to Social Struggles

Memories, testimonies, stories, but also insights into the political, social and economic context. Where do early childhood services come from? Why are they so strong, vital and creative in this area, so much so that they are taken as a model all over the world?

Municipal infant toddler centers and preschools are an expression of the right to a public, democratic and quality education, a right which, like many, is the result of an achievement, of decades of demands, of participation and awareness, which has often seen in women first row.


Photo gallery

Nido d'infanzia Birillo, Novellara


Nido d'infanzia Bambi, Reggiolo

Text and interviews

The project

Starting from the contributions used to create the book A sense over timepublished for edizioni libre publisher, written by Alexia Salati, which tells the story of educational services in the Bassa Reggiana area, and from the documentary promoted by Istoreco: Women and schools of Reggio Emilia,directed by Sabine Lingenauber, documentary and archive materials, testimonies and stories will be made available on an online platform.

The project also involves the dissemination of historical events through the creation of a podcast - in Italian, English and German - and through presentation events.